Using StringToColor in Inno Setup

2019-02-21 05:47发布

I would like to assign some color to label (TNewStaticText - property Color: TColor; read write;) on my form.

I have my color stored as '$RRGGBB' (String) and I would like to convert it to TColor using Delphi function StringToColor() but Inno Setup shows me an error if I use this function in script. How to tell Inno Setup to use this function or how to convert String to TColor in Inno to use it with this property?

2楼-- · 2019-02-21 06:05

@Andreas Rejbrand:

When I downloaded Inno's sources I noticed function StringToColor() in sources. Here is fragment of Compiler.pas:

  TColor = $7FFFFFFF-1..$7FFFFFFF;

  clScrollBar = TColor(COLOR_SCROLLBAR or $80000000);
  clBackground = TColor(COLOR_BACKGROUND or $80000000);
  clActiveCaption = TColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION or $80000000);
  clInactiveCaption = TColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION or $80000000);
  clMenu = TColor(COLOR_MENU or $80000000);
  clWindow = TColor(COLOR_WINDOW or $80000000);
  clWindowFrame = TColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME or $80000000);
  clMenuText = TColor(COLOR_MENUTEXT or $80000000);
  clWindowText = TColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT or $80000000);
  clCaptionText = TColor(COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT or $80000000);
  clActiveBorder = TColor(COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER or $80000000);
  clInactiveBorder = TColor(COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER or $80000000);
  clAppWorkSpace = TColor(COLOR_APPWORKSPACE or $80000000);
  clHighlight = TColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT or $80000000);
  clHighlightText = TColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT or $80000000);
  clBtnFace = TColor(COLOR_BTNFACE or $80000000);
  clBtnShadow = TColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW or $80000000);
  clGrayText = TColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT or $80000000);
  clBtnText = TColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT or $80000000);
  clInactiveCaptionText = TColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT or $80000000);
  clBtnHighlight = TColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT or $80000000);
  cl3DDkShadow = TColor(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW or $80000000);
  cl3DLight = TColor(COLOR_3DLIGHT or $80000000);
  clInfoText = TColor(COLOR_INFOTEXT or $80000000);
  clInfoBk = TColor(COLOR_INFOBK or $80000000);

  clBlack = TColor($000000);
  clMaroon = TColor($000080);
  clGreen = TColor($008000);
  clOlive = TColor($008080);
  clNavy = TColor($800000);
  clPurple = TColor($800080);
  clTeal = TColor($808000);
  clGray = TColor($808080);
  clSilver = TColor($C0C0C0);
  clRed = TColor($0000FF);
  clLime = TColor($00FF00);
  clYellow = TColor($00FFFF);
  clBlue = TColor($FF0000);
  clFuchsia = TColor($FF00FF);
  clAqua = TColor($FFFF00);
  clLtGray = TColor($C0C0C0);
  clDkGray = TColor($808080);
  clWhite = TColor($FFFFFF);
  clNone = TColor($1FFFFFFF);
  clDefault = TColor($20000000);

  TColorEntry = record
    Value: TColor;
    Name: string;

  Colors: array[0..41] of TColorEntry = (
    (Value: clBlack; Name: 'clBlack'),
    (Value: clMaroon; Name: 'clMaroon'),
    (Value: clGreen; Name: 'clGreen'),
    (Value: clOlive; Name: 'clOlive'),
    (Value: clNavy; Name: 'clNavy'),
    (Value: clPurple; Name: 'clPurple'),
    (Value: clTeal; Name: 'clTeal'),
    (Value: clGray; Name: 'clGray'),
    (Value: clSilver; Name: 'clSilver'),
    (Value: clRed; Name: 'clRed'),
    (Value: clLime; Name: 'clLime'),
    (Value: clYellow; Name: 'clYellow'),
    (Value: clBlue; Name: 'clBlue'),
    (Value: clFuchsia; Name: 'clFuchsia'),
    (Value: clAqua; Name: 'clAqua'),
    (Value: clWhite; Name: 'clWhite'),
    (Value: clScrollBar; Name: 'clScrollBar'),
    (Value: clBackground; Name: 'clBackground'),
    (Value: clActiveCaption; Name: 'clActiveCaption'),
    (Value: clInactiveCaption; Name: 'clInactiveCaption'),
    (Value: clMenu; Name: 'clMenu'),
    (Value: clWindow; Name: 'clWindow'),
    (Value: clWindowFrame; Name: 'clWindowFrame'),
    (Value: clMenuText; Name: 'clMenuText'),
    (Value: clWindowText; Name: 'clWindowText'),
    (Value: clCaptionText; Name: 'clCaptionText'),
    (Value: clActiveBorder; Name: 'clActiveBorder'),
    (Value: clInactiveBorder; Name: 'clInactiveBorder'),
    (Value: clAppWorkSpace; Name: 'clAppWorkSpace'),
    (Value: clHighlight; Name: 'clHighlight'),
    (Value: clHighlightText; Name: 'clHighlightText'),
    (Value: clBtnFace; Name: 'clBtnFace'),
    (Value: clBtnShadow; Name: 'clBtnShadow'),
    (Value: clGrayText; Name: 'clGrayText'),
    (Value: clBtnText; Name: 'clBtnText'),
    (Value: clInactiveCaptionText; Name: 'clInactiveCaptionText'),
    (Value: clBtnHighlight; Name: 'clBtnHighlight'),
    (Value: cl3DDkShadow; Name: 'cl3DDkShadow'),
    (Value: cl3DLight; Name: 'cl3DLight'),
    (Value: clInfoText; Name: 'clInfoText'),
    (Value: clInfoBk; Name: 'clInfoBk'),
    (Value: clNone; Name: 'clNone'));

function IdentToColor(const Ident: string; var Color: Longint): Boolean;
  I: Integer;
  for I := Low(Colors) to High(Colors) do
    if CompareText(Colors[I].Name, Ident) = 0 then
      Result := True;
      Color := Longint(Colors[I].Value);
  Result := False;

function StringToColor(const S: string): TColor;
  if not IdentToColor(S, Longint(Result)) then
    Result := TColor(StrToInt(S));

As you can see Inno has it's own implementation of StringToColor() which can also parse colors by names [like IdentToColor('clBlack')].

I was hoping for some quick hack how to use this function from script but it seems that this function is not pulled to public interface (ScriptFunc_R.pas or ScriptFunc_C.pas).

3楼-- · 2019-02-21 06:14

As Andreas mentioned in his comment to the question, there's no built-in function. You can craft your own, example:

function StringToRGB(ColorStr: string): Integer;
  r, g, b: Integer;
  r := StrToInt(Copy(ColorStr, 1, 3));
  g := StrToInt('$' + Copy(ColorStr, 4, 2));
  b := StrToInt('$' + Copy(ColorStr, 6, 2));
  Result := (r or (g shl 8) or (b shl 16));

Should you have been storing your colors like $BBGGRR, you could simply convert it with

4楼-- · 2019-02-21 06:20

Sertac Akyuz's approach is fine, but I solved this few minutes after writing this question, sorry :) This is my function - there is a little more handling:

function StringToColor(Color: String): TColor;
    RR, GG, BB: String;
    Dec: Integer;
    { Change string Color from $RRGGBB to $BBGGRR and then convert to TColor }
    if((Length(Color) <> 7) or (Color[1] <> '$')) then
        Result := $000000
        RR := Color[2] + Color[3];
        GG := Color[4] + Color[5];
        BB := Color[6] + Color[7];
        Dec := StrToInt('$' + BB + GG + RR);
        Result := TColor(Dec);

The whole magic does function StrToInt() which converts String to Integer - but if you add '$' before string it treats the string as Hex number and it will be converted automatically to Decimal number. Result is Integer TColor created from that number.

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