When including atlwin.h from the Microsoft ATL libraries in Visual Studio 2013 building will result in numerous complier errors about undefined elements.
#include <atlwin.h>
class MainWnd : public CWindowImpl<MainWnd>
"CWindowImpl: base class is not defined" error.
HMONITOR is not defined
This does not occur when building using VS2010.
How can I fix that?
The problem is with the targeted version of windows in the stdafx.h file
from MSDN
So, changing
corrects the build problem
is defined in<atlwin.h>
, so you need to include that. I don't know what the fileatldwin.h
that you're including is, but apparently it doesn't contain that class.Edit: According to a comment below by CCondron, this is due to targeting versions of Windows no longer supported by Visual C++. To fix, add: