- activity binds to started foreground service.
- service hands out local binder to activity.
- activity gets reference to service through a getService() call.
- activity wants to communicate directly with a thread running in the service using messages. It calls the mService.getThreadHandler() method from the activity.
- how do I get a Handler from the current running thread into the active activity, so that I can post messages directly to the threads messagequeue?
I don't what to use a messenger within the service, I want to directly communicate with the thread in the service from the activity side.
Edit: the activity gets the handler of the thread itself in the service, by calling something like this:
Activity code:
Handler mServiceThreadHandler;
ServiceConnection mServiceConnection;
public void onStart() {
if (!bindService(new Intent(this, MainService.class), mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE))
Log.e(TAG, "Client did not bind to Service!");
public class MyLocalServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection {
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
LocalBinder binder = (LocalBinder) service;
mService = (MainService) binder.getService();
// the handler of the service is actually a handler of a thread
// within the service, and is set automatically within the binding
// activity when binding to the service. That way you have a direct
// "connection" with the message queue of the thread instead of
// a message queue in the service itself (main thread of service)
mServiceThreadHandler = mService.getServiceHandler();
if (mServiceThreadHandler == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Service handler is NULL");
mBoundedToService = true;
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
mServiceThreadHandler = null;
mBoundedToService = false;
Service code:
private HandlerThread mServiceThread = new MyServiceThread();
public Handler getServiceHandler() {
return new Handler(mServiceThread.getLooper());
Does the new Handler(mServiceThread.getLooper()); return a new Handler or the same Handler within the mServiceThread?
Edit 2: updating the Service code with the serviceThread which receives the messages.
public class MyService extends Service {
private MyHandlerThread serviceThread = new MyHandlerThread("serviceThread");
public Handler getServiceHandler() {
// hand out the same handler of the service thread for using it in an activity!
// serviceThread.getLooper() is the current looper of the thread
// serviceThread is the 'this' which handles the messages (see MyHandlerThread)
return new Handler(serviceThread.getLooper(), serviceThread);
// do stuff in Service
public class MyHandlerThread extends HandlerThread implements android.os.Handler.Callback {
public MyHandlerThread(String name) {
public MyHandlerThread(String name, int priority) {
super(name, priority);
public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
// TODO define your own message handling here.
return false;
try this (i used Activity to test it you will use Service):