Trigger iScroll 4 on all elements with a certain C

2019-02-21 01:56发布

The script iScroll4 is triggered in this manner

$(document).ready(function() {
                var myScroll;
                myScroll = new iScroll('wrapper');              

That however assumes there is an element with ID 'wrapper'. I would like to trigger this on all elements with the class name "scrollable". I have seen this done on a plugin for this script. Any ideas how to do it here?

2楼-- · 2019-02-21 02:09

I've answered that in Mobile Site: Lack of horizontal scrolling on iPhone

Using jQuery and iScroll, you could make the following:


<!-- include jquery and iscroll -->

<div id="divPretendingIsDeviceScreen" style="max-width:320px;overflow:hidden;">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
    <h2>Another header</h2>
    text text:<br/>
    <div class="divToBeScrolled">
        div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />
    <h2>Another header</h2>
    text text:<br/>
    <div class="divToBeScrolled">
        div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />
    <h2>Another header</h2>
    text text:<br/>
    <div class="divToBeScrolled">
        div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />
    <h2>Another header</h2>
    text text:<br/>
    <div class="divToBeScrolled">
        div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


<style type="text/css">
    .scrollerType {
        /* put max height you want the scroller div to have, 
        normally less than the device's window size, like 200px or so so.*/

    div.divToBeScrolled {


<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript">
    var snippetName = new Array(); //creates a new array to make the var names for iscroll
    var selfId = new Array(); //creates a new array to make the names for the scrollers

    $('.syntaxhighlighter').each(function(index) { //for each '.syntaxhighlighter' and 'index' as counter
        selfId[index] = 'scrollerId'+index; //creating a new id name for the container
        $(this).wrap('<div id='+selfId[index]+' class="scrollerType" />'); //wrapping each '.syntaxhighlighter' with the container
        var timeout = setTimeout(function(){ //yes, timeout. This to support Android mostly
            snippetName[index] = new iScroll(selfId[index], { //initializing multiple iscroll's each with an index and targeting the selfId
                //here you declare various options - see "Passing parameters to the iScroll" at iScroll page
                //this is the best set, i think
                snap: false,
                momentum: true,
                hScrollbar: false,
                vScrollbar: false,
                hScroll: true,
                vScroll: true,
            }); //end new iScroll
        },100); //100ms just bc 0ms or 1ms might not be enough

    }); //end .each

This is the test-case ( ) for the other question i've pointed out.

3楼-- · 2019-02-21 02:23

You can assign a different ID with the same class "scrollable" and ...

$(document).ready(function() {
    //Created an array for adding n iScroll objects
    var myScroll = new Array();

        id = $(this).attr('id');
        myScroll.push(new iScroll(id));
4楼-- · 2019-02-21 02:26

This is a 2 years old conversation to the time i am writting, still this conversation will stay here as long as StackOverflow still alive.

Through search engine i was linked to this conversation as i had similar issue.

However, none of these solve my issue.

In my own idea building on Franz idea you could easily acheive a perfect and simple solution like this:

var contentToScroll;
var idNum=1;

//e.g <li class="scrollable" id="conT1"> Contents</li>
//<li class="scrollable" id="conT2"> Contents</li> e.t.c

     $(this).attr("id", 'conT'+idNum);//assign ids here
       var id = $(this).attr('id');
       contentToScroll=new IScroll('#'+id,{scrollbars: true});

Dynamically assign IDs to the expected scollable elements individually and tell the iScroll5 to make them scrollabile.

This may help someone

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