I have two tables, one for storing reports of a user, and another for storing users.
1. Report_table
001 user1
002 user1
003 user3
2.Users table
user1 2
user2 0
user3 1
Now whenever a report is inserted in report_table(say report_id:004, user_id: user1), I update both tables like this.
INSERT INTO reports_table VALUES (004,`user1`)
INSERT INTO users_table (user_id,no_of_reports) VALUES (`user1`,1)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE no_of_reports=no_of_reports+1;
Is there a better way of doing this.. Is there a way of automatically incrementing the no_of_reports counter when a new report is inserted?
You can deal with
by using aAFTER INSERT
You need a trigger: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/trigger-syntax.html which should fire after each insert operation on the reports_table.
(I'm not sure the syntax is correct. Ithink a before insert trigger would also work)