I am running the below code to scrap data. However, the code only scraps the first element.
const cheerio = require('cheerio')
const jsonframe = require('jsonframe-cheerio')
const got = require('got');
async function scrapCoinmarketCap() {
const url = 'https://coinmarketcap.com/all/views/all/'
const html = await got(url)
const $ = cheerio.load(html.body)
jsonframe($) // initializing the plugin
let frame = {
"Coin": "td.no-wrap.currency-name > a",
"url": "td.no-wrap.currency-name > a @ href",
"Symbol": "td.text-left.col-symbol",
"Price": "td:nth-child(5) > a",
console.log($('body').scrape(frame, {
string: true
//Output -> only the first element
// {
// "Coin": "Bitcoin",
// "url": "/currencies/bitcoin/",
// "Symbol": "BTC",
// "Price": "$6122.67"
// }
Any suggestions what I am doing wrong?
Thx for your replies!
You can get all currency data with the List / Array pattern: