We are trying to manipulate the alv grid class to get result like in Sap Agenda (see transaction SSC1) ie to merge column and row.
we found that the class cl_calendar_control_schedule with the method "display" handle that.
We are working to understand the content of this method and its parameter.
We found that the internat table of lvc_t_data type handle that. That mean to horizontal merging or vertical about all cells. [one row of this Internal table for each cells]
But I want to understand what is the code of style , for example if i want to clear just the bottom border, or left border.
What is the style of different colors and different style bolding , underline ....
We found that Apart from this variable, we are a parameter of lvc_t_info type , what is it?
Maybe something about the header row.
Mayb somebody know more about this.
I Found the answer. Thanks to everyone:
You have to include the cl_alv_contol and you can give all style that you want, like alv_style_color_background + alv_style_font_bold, and the code is a constant in this include.