So basically I want to create this sort of a GUI, but because of my inexperience with Java GUIs, I cannot figure out which Layout Manager to use. I've tried Flow, Border, Grid, but none of them allow me to create this sort of a GUI without messing up the alignments somewhere.
Any suggestions? How should I decide on a layout manager in the future, or is it something which will come with experience?
I'd prefer to use a simple to use layout, as this is a very basic GUI and I don't think something like MiGLayout should be necessary.
My preference is MigLayout because it is the most complete and well documented layout manager for Swing. In addition to Swing, it also supports SWT and JavaFX, so the time you spend learning it may pay back more than once. It supports maven, refer to for details, which is a big plus. Also it has a very useful debug feature. You can add "debug 1" in the constructor, and you will se how the layout was created. Example:
Another feature that I find very useful from time to time, is the hidemode, which allows you that a component does not take part in the layout if not visible (or several other strategies).
Here is one possible approach for the image you posted, using MigLayout:
The code was written in Java 7. A maven pom.xml file to go with it could be something like this:
I'd use a combination of compound panels and layouts. Apart from making easier to get the layout to work, you could also isolate areas of responsibility within their own class.
I'd say border layout will work alright for you if you are looking for Java library layout managers. A more advanced one would be MiG Layout. You can google it for the info.
You do know that you can nest layout managers right? As in, one
has one layoutmanager and another has a different one. So one could have border layout and another flow layout.You can try NetBeans if you want a simple Swing designer, but IMHO Miglayout is the shortest way to get your UI's done as you intended. After the initial learning curve of course...
Try to visualize your screen in grids, and then you can use both gridbag and miglayout.