This thread is in continuation of Perl script to populate an XML file.
The file I want to change is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration start="earth">
<country name="japan">
<country name="italy">
<country name="korea">
I want to add a new country here in this list.
In previous question, Perl script to populate an XML file.
#Get the list of cities as a list, then push "Tokyo" to it.
push @{$doc->{countries}->{country}->{'japan-'}->{city}}, 'Tokyo';
This was suggested to add a new tag, but in my case not sure how exactly can I use "push". I am not able to map to the correct tag.
I find XML::DOM a lot simpler to use. It may be a bit verbose, but you can easily understand what it is doing.
You can't use push. Push is for appending an item to an array (a list). Judging by the "push" command somebody gave you before, countries are represented as a hash, not a list, so you need something like
$doc->{countries)->{country}->{Transylvania} = {};
That is creating an empty hash for 'Transylvania'. Your system may require there to be some structure in there.