In GTK3, How do I set the mouse cursor to cross hair when hovering over a GtkWidget, in this case a GtkDrawingArea?
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First of all, you must tell the
widget to use a backing window, in order to receive events:Then you must tell it which events you wish to subscribe to; in this case, you want the crossing events, in order to receive notification of the pointer entering and leaving the widget:
At this point, you can connect to the
signals:You can use two separate signal handlers, if you want, but unless you're doing something complex in them, the code is going to be pretty much identical.
handler will look something like this:Now you have specify the cursor to use depending on the event type. GTK+ uses the same cursor names as CSS does; you need to create a cursor instance using one of those names and then associate it to the
used by the drawing area widget: