I am making an URL shortener, and I am struggling with the optimal way of encoding a number (id) into a character string.
I am using the characters 0-9,A-Z,a-z so it will basically be a base-62 encoding. That is pretty basic, but it doesn't make use of all possible codes. The codes that it would produce would be:
0, 1, ... y, z, 10, 11, ... zy, zz, 100, 101, ...
Notice that the codes 00 to 0z is not used, the same for 000 to 0zz, and so on. I would like to use all the codes, like this:
0, 1, ... y, z, 00, 01, ... zy, zz, 000, 001, ...
It would be some combination of base-62 and base-63, with different bases depending on the position... Using base-62 is easy, for example:
create procedure tiny_GetCode
@UrlId int
set nocount on
declare @Code varchar(10)
set @Code = ''
while (@UrlId > 0 or len(@Code) = 0) begin
set @Code = substring('0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', @UrlId % 62 + 1, 1) + @Code
set @UrlId = @UrlId / 62
select @Code
But I haven't yet managed to make a multi-base conversion out of it, to make use of all the codes.
I managed to make the conversion. The tricky thing is that it's not just a mixed base conversion, the higher base of the first character also affects the values of longer codes.
I started with an easier case; base-10 codes. I saw that the two digit range has 10 extra codes, the three digit range has 100 extra codes, and so on:
So, the value of the first character in the code is not just the base raised to the position, but it also has an offset.
After applying this to the base-62 encoding, this is what I ended up with: