I am designing an app that needs to check the device's orientation (Azimuth, Pitch and Roll). I use the following code to achieve this:
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
if(event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)
gravityMatrix = event.values.clone();// Fill gravityMatrix with accelerometer values
else if(event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD)
geomagneticMatrix = event.values.clone();// Fill geomagneticMatrix with magnetic-field sensor values
if(gravityMatrix != null && geomagneticMatrix != null){
RMatrix = new float[16];
IMatrix = new float[16];
SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(RMatrix, IMatrix, gravityMatrix, geomagneticMatrix);// Retrieve RMatrix, necessary for the getOrientation method
SensorManager.getOrientation(RMatrix, orientation);// Get the current orientation of the device
Now I am able to get azimuth, pitch and roll values from the 'orientation' float[]. Everything goes fine for the azimuth and roll values (it returns the correct angle), however when I print the pitch value (orientation[1]), I always retrieve an angle between PI/2 and -PI/2. I don't understand why? I am unable to retrieve an angle greater than PI/2 or less than -PI/2. As soon as I have an angle of +- PI/2 and I keep on rotating my device (Samsung Galaxy S2) the angle suddenly decreases after it reached the PI/2 value.
Can anyone explain me why the pitch-angle is behaving so uncommon?
Thanks in advance!
Pitch is calculated as
pitch = (float) Math.asin(-RMatrix[7]);
The range of thearcsin
function is[-PI/2, PI/2]
, soasin
can only take value in between-PI/2