Each Icon is 100X100 px. All in all 800X100 px.
I have the following ImageView xml:
I would like to set CycleStageImage to be show different Icon (100,100) on Timer Interval of 1 Second back and forth.
I am having a problem generating a code that moves on Axis of this PNG. I have tried the followings from multiple links over SOF, but with no luck:
//first try - not working
//Resources res = mainActivity.ApplicationContext.Resources;
//Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(res, Resource.Id.CycleImage);
//BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable = new BitmapDrawable(Resources.System, bitmap);
//ClipDrawable clipDrawable = new ClipDrawable(bitmapDrawable, GravityFlags.Center, ClipDrawable.Horizontal);
//clipDrawable.SetBounds(100, 100, 100, 100);
//second try - shows only part of the left top corner
//double TUNNING = 0.5; //0.5 cut in half
//Bitmap srcBmp = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources.System, cycleStage);
//Bitmap modBmp = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(
// srcBmp,
// 0,
// srcBmp.Height, // TUNNING
// srcBmp.Height,
// srcBmp.Height
// );
//third try - same as the second try.
//int START_X = 0;
//int START_Y = 100;
//int WIDTH_PX = 100;
//int HEIGHT_PX = 100;
//// Crop bitmap
//Bitmap newBitmap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(SOURCE_BITMAP, START_X, START_Y, WIDTH_PX, HEIGHT_PX, null, false);
//// Assign new bitmap to ImageView
I have followed the Android tutorial: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource.html#Clip
but with no luck.. It would be much appreciated the help with timer as well with the png.
Finally I got it to work, following these steps: (Although I admit its a bit lame...)
I have created WebView and placed it inside my XML screen. it looks like this:
In my Activity I generated the code as follows:
It works like a charm!
I hope it will be of assistant to anyone who desires to accomplish running GIF's inside android application.
Good Luck.