I'm trying to introduce some CUB into my "old" Thrust code, and so have started with a small example to compare thrust::reduce_by_key
with cub::DeviceReduce::ReduceByKey
, both applied to thrust::device_vectors
The thrust part of the code is fine, but the CUB part, which naively uses raw pointers obtained via thrust::raw_pointer_cast, crashes after the CUB calls. I put in a cudaDeviceSynchronize()
to try to solve this problem, but it didn't help. The CUB part of the code was cribbed from the CUB web pages.
On OSX the runtime error is:
libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
Abort trap: 6
On Linux the runtime error is:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'thrust::system::system_error'
what(): an illegal memory access was encountered
The first few lines of cuda-memcheck are:
========= Invalid __global__ write of size 4
========= at 0x00127010 in /home/sdettrick/codes/MCthrust/tests/../cub-1.3.2/cub/device/dispatch/../../block_range/block_range_reduce_by_key.cuh:1017:void cub::ReduceByKeyRegionKernel<cub::DeviceReduceByKeyDispatch<unsigned int*, unsigned int*, float*, float*, int*, cub::Equality, CustomSum, int>::PtxReduceByKeyPolicy, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, float*, float*, int*, cub::ReduceByKeyScanTileState<float, int, bool=1>, cub::Equality, CustomSum, int>(unsigned int*, float*, float*, int*, cub::Equality, CustomSum, int, cub::DeviceReduceByKeyDispatch<unsigned int*, unsigned int*, float*, float*, int*, cub::Equality, CustomSum, int>::PtxReduceByKeyPolicy, unsigned int*, int, cub::GridQueue<int>)
========= by thread (0,0,0) in block (0,0,0)
========= Address 0x7fff7dbb3e88 is out of bounds
========= Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at kernel launch time
Unfortunately I'm not too sure what to do about that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I tried this on the NVIDIA developer zone but didn't get any responses. The complete example code is below. It should compile with CUDA 6.5 and cub 1.3.2:
#include <iostream>
#include <thrust/sort.h>
#include <thrust/gather.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/zip_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/permutation_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/discard_iterator.h>
#include <cub/cub.cuh> // or equivalently <cub/device/device_radix_sort.cuh>
// for CUB:
struct CustomSum
template <typename T>
CUB_RUNTIME_FUNCTION __host__ __device__ __forceinline__
//__host__ __device__ __forceinline__
T operator()(const T &a, const T &b) const {
return b+a;
int main()
const int Nkey=20;
int Nseg=9;
int ikey[Nkey] = {0, 0, 0, 6, 8, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8};
thrust::device_vector<unsigned int> key(ikey,ikey+Nkey);
thrust::device_vector<unsigned int> keysout(Nkey);
// Let's reduce x, by key:
float xval[Nkey];
for (int i=0; i<Nkey; i++) xval[i]=ikey[i]+0.1f;
thrust::device_vector<float> x(xval,xval+Nkey);
// First, sort x by key:
<<" THRUST reduce_by_key:"<<std::endl
thrust::device_vector<float> output(Nseg,0.0f);
for (int i=0;i<Nkey;i++) std::cout << x[i] <<" "; std::cout<<std::endl;
for (int i=0;i<Nkey;i++) std::cout << key[i] <<" "; std::cout<<std::endl;
for (int i=0;i<Nseg;i++) std::cout << output[i] <<" "; std::cout<<std::endl;
float ototal=thrust::reduce(output.begin(),output.end());
float xtotal=thrust::reduce(x.begin(),x.end());
std::cout << "total="<< ototal <<", should be "<<xtotal<<std::endl;
<<" CUB ReduceByKey:"<<std::endl
unsigned int *d_keys_in =thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&key[0]);
float *d_values_in =thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&x[0]);
unsigned int *d_keys_out =thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&keysout[0]);
float *d_values_out=thrust::raw_pointer_cast(&output[0]);
int *d_num_segments=&Nseg;
CustomSum reduction_op;
std::cout << "CUB input" << std::endl;
for (int i=0; i<Nkey; ++i) std::cout << key[i] << " "; std::cout<<std::endl;
for (int i=0; i<Nkey; ++i) std::cout << x[i] << " "; std::cout<< std::endl;
for (int i=0; i<Nkey; ++i) std::cout << keysout[i] << " "; std::cout<< std::endl;
for (int i=0; i<Nseg; ++i) std::cout << output[i] << " "; std::cout<< std::endl;
// Determine temporary device storage requirements
void *d_temp_storage = NULL;
size_t temp_storage_bytes = 0;
cub::DeviceReduce::ReduceByKey(d_temp_storage, temp_storage_bytes, d_keys_in, d_keys_out, d_values_in, d_values_out, d_num_segments, reduction_op, Nkey);
// Allocate temporary storage
cudaMalloc(&d_temp_storage, temp_storage_bytes);
std::cout << "temp_storage_bytes = " << temp_storage_bytes << std::endl;
// Run reduce-by-key
cub::DeviceReduce::ReduceByKey(d_temp_storage, temp_storage_bytes, d_keys_in, d_keys_out, d_values_in, d_values_out, d_num_segments, reduction_op, Nkey);
std::cout << "CUB output" << std::endl;
std::cout<<Nkey<<" "<<Nseg<<std::endl;
std::cout<<key.size() << " "<<x.size() << " "<<keysout.size() << " "<<output.size() << std::endl;
// At this point onward it dies:
//libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
//Abort trap: 6
// If the next line is uncommented, it crashes the Mac!
for (int i=0; i<Nkey; ++i) std::cout << key[i] << " "; std::cout<<std::endl;
// for (int i=0; i<Nkey; ++i) std::cout << x[i] << " "; std::cout<< std::endl;
// for (int i=0; i<Nkey; ++i) std::cout << keysout[i] << " "; std::cout<< std::endl;
// for (int i=0; i<Nseg; ++i) std::cout << output[i] << " "; std::cout<< std::endl;
std::cout << "total="<< ototal <<", should be "<<xtotal<<std::endl;
return 1;
This is not appropriate:
You cannot take the address of a host variable and use it as a device pointer.
Instead do this:
This allocates space on the device for the size of data (a single integer that cub will write to), and assigns the address of that allocation to your
variable. This then becomes a valid device pointer.In (*ordinary, non-UM) CUDA, it is illegal dereference a host address in device code, or a device address in host code.