I am working with a spring boot application which uses Spring Security. I have tried @CrossOrigin to enable cors but it didn't work.
If you want to find my error refer this
Spring Blogs says that when we are working with spring security, we must enable cors at spring security level.
And my project is below.
Can anyone explain where should I put those configuration and how to find the spring security level.
this is a way to make Spring Security 4.1 support CROS with Spring BOOT 1.5
If you prefer using CORS global configuration, you can declare a CorsConfigurationSource bean as following:
For further refernces about spring boot project examples 1)https://hellokoding.com/registration-and-login-example-with-spring-security-spring-boot-spring-data-jpa-hsql-jsp/ Or 2)http://www.mkyong.com/spring-boot/spring-boot-spring-security-thymeleaf-example/