I am calling the below two function inside a function called RebuildSummary()
- create_summary()
- insertdatafromfile()
1. create_summary function
create_summary function fetches activity data from database and loop through activities using for each loop, and insert data into the below text file like below:
A|201309|R|C|2|014000956|014000956|2200|201211|M|3118.72|35215.12|1639.96|40749.29|46183.13|44653.83|1529.3|||423|9999|EVERGREEN IMPLEMENT INC
A|201309|R|C|2|014000956|014000956|2201|201211|M|0|13.86|0|15.22|13.86|15.22|-1.36|||423|9999|EVERGREEN IMPLEMENT INC
2. insertdatafromfile function
insertdatafromfile function will read the contents of the same text file[zfilename71801404123.txt] and insert them into the summary table using the command LOAD DATA.
function RebuildSummary() {
$random = date('dmyhis');
$zfilename = "zfilename".$random;
function create_summary($zfilename)
$activities // data from DB
$filepath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."\z".$zfilename.".txt";
foreach ($activities as $activity) {
$sql_summary = "SELECT A.AcctDb as AcctDb, '" . $default->DeftReportPeriod . "' as SumReportPer, '" . $default->DeftReportBase . "' as SumReportBase, '" . $default->DeftPeriodBasis . "' as SumPeriodBasis, '" . $default->DeftBasisAdj . "' as SumBasisAdj, '" . $AcctNo . "' as AcctNo,'" . $AcctTaxId . "' as AcctTaxId, '" . $RevLoc . "' as SumRevLoc, '" . $YTDStart . "' as SumYtdStart, '" . $CurrFreq . "' as SumCurrFreq, '" . $Curr . "' as SumCurrAmt, '" . $Ytd . "' as SumYtdAmt, '" . $Lastcurr . "' as SumLastCurr, '" . $LastYTD . "' as SumLastYtd, '" . $Last12 . "' as SumLast12, '" . $Prior12 . "' as SumPrior12, '" . $Last12diff . "' as SumLast12Diff, A.AcctDateOpen as SumDateOpen, A.AcctDateClosed as SumDateClosed, A.GroupCode as SumGroupCode, A.AcctHomeLoc as SumHomeLoc, A.AcctBusName as SumBusName, A.ClassCode as SumClassCode, '" . $Currdiff . "' asSumCurrDiff, '" . $Ytddiff . "' as SumYtdDiff, '" . $Mon['0'] . "' as SumMon01, '" . $Mon['1'] . "' as SumMon02, '" . $Mon['2'] . "' as SumMon03, '" . $Mon['3'] . "' as SumMon04, '" . $Mon['4'] . "' as SumMon05, '" . $Mon['5'] . "' as SumMon06, '" . $Mon['6'] . "' as SumMon07, '" . $Mon['7'] . "' as SumMon08, '" . $Mon['8'] . "' as SumMon09, '" . $Mon['9'] . "' as SumMon10, '" . $Mon['10'] . "' as SumMon11, '" . $Mon['11'] . "' as SumMon12,'" . $Amt['0'] . "' as SumAmt01, '" . $Amt['1'] . "' as SumAmt02, '" . $Amt['2'] . "' as SumAmt03,'" . $Amt['3'] . "' as SumAmt04, '" . $Amt['4'] . "' as SumAmt05, '" . $Amt['5'] . "' as SumAmt06, '" . $Amt['6'] . "' as SumAmt07, '" . $Amt['7'] . "' as SumAmt08, '" . $Amt['8'] . "' as SumAmt09, '" . $Amt['9'] . "' as SumAmt10, '" . $Amt['10'] . "' as SumAmt11, '" . $Amt['11'] . "' as SumAmt12 FROM accounts A WHERE A.AcctDb = '" . $AcctDb . "' and A.AcctTaxId='" . $AcctTaxId . "' ;";
$exist_activity1 = $this->db->query($sql_summary);
$activities1 = $exist_activity1->result_array();
$flag_index = 0;
foreach ($activities1[0] as $key => $value) {
if ($flag_index == 0) {
$result .= $value . "|";
$flag_index = 1;
$result = rtrim($result, "|");
$handle = fopen($filepath, 'a') or die('Cannot open file: ' . $filepath);
fwrite($handle, $result);
$new_data = "\n";
fwrite($handle, $new_data);
$result = "";
function insertdatafromfile($zfilename) {
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
$ext = mysql_real_escape_string("\n");
$filepath = "z".$zfilename.".txt";
$sqlstatement1 = "LOAD DATA INFILE " . "'" . $filepath . "'" . "
INTO TABLE summary
LINES TERMINATED BY " . "'" . $ext . "'" . "
(AcctDb, SumReportPer, SumReportBase, SumPeriodBasis, SumBasisAdj, AcctNo,AcctTaxId, SumRevLoc, SumYtdStart, SumCurrFreq, SumCurrAmt, SumYtdAmt, SumLastCurr, SumLastYtd, SumLast12, SumPrior12, SumLast12Diff, SumDateOpen, SumDateClosed, SumGroupCode, SumHomeLoc, SumBusName, SumClassCode, SumCurrDiff, SumYtdDiff, SumMon01, SumMon02, SumMon03, SumMon04, SumMon05, SumMon06, SumMon07, SumMon08, SumMon09, SumMon10, SumMon11, SumMon12, SumAmt01, SumAmt02, SumAmt03, SumAmt04, SumAmt05, SumAmt06, SumAmt07, SumAmt08, SumAmt09, SumAmt10, SumAmt11, SumAmt12)
$filepath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."\z".$zfilename.".txt";
System Configuration:
Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80Ghz, 2.79 Ghz (2 Processors)
Installed memory(RAM) : 6.00 GB
System Type: 64 bit Operating System
Server: Windows IIS 7
max_input_time: 60000
max_file_uploads: 2048M
memory_limit: 20000M
post_max_size: 20000M
upload_max_filesize: 15000M
My Question:
I am getting the below error while calling the RebuildSummary function.
[17-Apr-2014 03:54:42 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 1517289472) (tried to allocate 64 bytes) in C:\HostingSpaces\wwwroot\system\database\drivers\mysql\mysql_result.php on line 162
I have enough memory on server side, still how the system display this error "Out of memory"
if you're going through a tonne of data, do not use
which is what I'm assuming you are using within your database class.you should fetch each record individually, e.g.:
here is a simple benchmark someone did before to illustrate the difference in memory usage: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2771563/520857
spoiler: 100Mb vs 400bytes
Doesn't matter how much ram you allow for PHP. If it's a 32bit-compile, it could never use more than 4gig utter max, and practical ~3gig.
As for your code, you're sucking in your ENTIRE database result into ram, then building a string (essentially doubling memory requirements), then dumping that string out to file. Since you're obviously running out of memory, you'll have to stream the string, e.g.
This is somewhat inefficient, but should be enough to give you the general idea. A more efficient solution would be to build a LIMITED length string and write it out periodically. e.g. when your concatentated string reaches (say) 1 meg in size, you write it out and then reset the string to empty.
1517289472 bytes ~= 1.4G
so you're hitting a barrier around thereThe first thing you should look at is you're setting
memory_limit: 20000M
which is 20G. You've only 6G on your system. PHP may be confused and defaulting to a lower limit or there may be a hard limit for your version of php running on windows 7.OR you could be running 32 bit Apache/PHP processes, which have hard limits around 2G see this: Upper memory limit for PHP/Apache