I need to pass data from a View Controller to a child of a parent view controller.
isnt passing the data over.
i need to have it passed before viewdidload.
here is how im trying to pass info from a View Controller to a Child of a Parent.
-(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
// NSLog(@"prepareForSegue: %@",segue.identifier);
ViewController2 *transfer = segue.destinationViewController;
if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"Test"]) {
transfer.testLabel = @"Pass this data";
Option 1
If you're passing from a parent to a child view controller, then just set the property of your childViewController from the parent.
Option 2
Or, you can set up a delegate
Step 1: set up protocol above interface in ChildViewController.h file
Step 2: create delegate property in ChildViewController.h interface
Step 3: declare delegate protocol in ParentViewController.h
Step 4: in ParentViewController.m add this method:
Step 5: before launching childViewController declare delegate property.
Step 6: in child view controller whenever you want data add this
The parentVC will run 'giveMeData' and return a NSMutableDictionary (adjust for whatever data you want)