I am trying to implement the actionbarcompat support library project in my android application and I have followed the guidelines here from the android website on how to implement these but the resources of the support library still are not available to my project. Note: I am able to use methods defined from the compiled classes of the library project, I just don't know how to reference from the styles. I am using eclipse IDE. Anybody with an idea how or what I am doing wrong please assist me.
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I happen to have found my own mistake! Most certainly I know a few others might go the same path.
These are the steps in adding a support library with resources.
Now You add the library project to your application:
In the Project Explorer, right-click your project and select Properties.
In the Library pane, click Add.
Look at the "Adding libraries with resources" section of this document
Basically, you import the resources in a library project called "android-support-v7-appcompat" that you reference in your app project.