I'm trying to check for the existence of an executable on a remote machine, then run said executable. To do so I'm using subprocess to run ssh <host> ls <file>
, and if that's successful, run ssh <host> <file>
. ssh asks for a password, of course, and I'd like to provide that automatically. Also, I'd like to get the returncode from ls, and stdout and stderr from running the command.
So I know the communicate()
method is needed, to avoid deadlocks, but I can't get the password to be recognized by Popen(stdin)
. Also I'm using Python 2.4.3, and stuck on that version. Here's the code I've got so far:
import os
import subprocess as sb
def WallHost(args):
#passwd = getpass.getpass()
passwd = "password"
for host in args:
# ssh to the machine and verify that the script is in /usr/bin
sshLsResult = sb.Popen(["ssh", host, "ls", "/usr/bin/wall"], stdin=sb.PIPE, stderr=sb.PIPE, stdout=sb.PIPE)
(sshLsStdout, sshLsStderr) = sshLsResult.communicate(input=passwd)
sshResult = sshLsResult.returncode
if sshResult != 0:
raise "wall is not installed on %s. Please check." % host
sshWallResult = sb.Popen(["ssh", host, "/usr/bin/wall", "hello world"], stdin=sb.PIPE, stderr=sb.PIPE, stdout=sb.PIPE)
(sshWallStdout, sshWallStderr) = sshWallResult.communicate(input=passwd)
print "sshStdout for wall is \n%s\nsshStderr is \n\n" % (sshWallStdout, sshWallStderr)
args = ["", "", ""]
Any help getting the process to accept that password is appreciated. Or if you've got a better way to check for the executable and then run it on a remote host. ;)
thx anthony
How about using authorized_keys. Then, you don't need to input password.
You can also go hard way (only work in Linux):