When using socket.IO in a Node.js server, is there an easy way to get the IP address of an incoming connection? I know you can get it from a standard HTTP connection, but socket.io is a bit of a different beast.
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For latest socket.io version use
For example:
beware that the code below returns the Server's IP, not the Client's IP
From reading the socket.io source code it looks like the "listen" method takes arguments (server, options, fn) and if "server" is an instance of an HTTP/S server it will simply wrap it for you.
So you could presumably give it an empty server which listens for the 'connection' event and handles the socket remoteAddress; however, things might be very difficult if you need to associate that address with an actual socket.io Socket object.
Might be easier to submit a patch to socket.io wherein their own Socket object is extended with the remoteAddress property assigned at connection time...
This seems to work:
Since socket.io 1.1.0, I use :
Edit : Note that this is not part of the official API, and therefore not guaranteed to work in future releases of socket.io.
Also see this relevant link : engine.io issue
Okay, as of 0.7.7 this is available, but not in the manner that lubar describes. I ended up needing to parse through some commit logs on git hub to figure this one out, but the following code does actually work for me now:
In 1.3.5 :