I have a piece of code that records events in Google Analytics based on an array of data when my application initializes. It goes something like
function recordInitialData(dataArray) {
for(var i = dataArray.length; i >= 0; i--) {
_gaq.push(["_trackEvent", category1, action1, label1, dataArray[i].value1],["_trackEvent", category2, action2, label2, dataArray[i].value2]);
The problem is, _gaq.push
gets called only 10 times (that is to say, there are only 10 1x1 gifs loaded and represent only the first 10 events that were given to _gaq.push
), no matter how many calls I actually make (because sometimes dataArray can be quite long). Google Analytics only mentions a limit of 500 event pushes per user session (Analytics Docs). Has this limit of "10 at a time" been documented anywhere?
Got an answer from Google directly:
"you can send 10 at once, then they replenish at 1 request per second after that."