My application was made with Java and it needs Administrator privilege to run on Windows. Using Inno Setup I could change change a registry with the following code and it works just fine for Windows 7, however for Windows 10 and 8, I don't have the same success, since the registry apparently doesn't exist anymore.
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers\"; ValueType: String; ValueName: "{app}\AppExecutable.exe"; ValueData: "RUNASADMIN"; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue;
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers\"; ValueType: String; ValueName: "{app}\AppExecutable.exe"; ValueData: "RUNASADMIN"; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty uninsdeletevalue;
I read it can be done with the executable manifest, but I suppose it is only for applications made by Visual Studio, which is not my scenario. Is there a way to put it in a Java manifest?
I would like to know if I can do this in some other way, if there is another registry I can modify or if I have to attach and run another kind of script during my instalation.
I do not think your problem is related to Windows 7 vs. Windows 8/10. It's rather that your Windows 7 is 32-bit and Windows 8/10 is 64-bit.
The Inno Setup installer is 32-bit application, so
gets redirected toSOFTWARE\Wow6432Node
by default.You have to use an explicit 64-bit registry root like
Root: HKLM64
to explicitly avoid the redirection.You will probably also want to add
Check: IsWin64
to make sure the entry is not processed on 32-bit installations, as it would cause an error.See
section documentation.Or use 64-bit install mode.
I also believe that it should not be
, butHKCU