Is it possible to create n number of external tables are pointing to a single hdfs path using Hive. If yes what are the advantages and its limitations.
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It is possible to create many tables (both managed and external at the same time) on top of the same location in HDFS.
Creating tables with exactly the same schema on top of the same data is not useful at all, but you can create different tables with different number of columns for example or with differently parsed columns using RegexSerDe for example, so you can have different schemas in these tables. And you can have different permissions on these tables in Hive. Also table can be created on top of the sub-folder of some other tables folder, in this case it will contain a sub-set of data. Better use partitions in single table for the same.
And the drawback is that it is confusing because you can rewrite the same data using more than one table and also you may drop it accidentally, thinking this data belongs to the only table and you can drop data because you do not need that table any more.
And this is few tests:
Create table with INT column:
Check location and other properties:
Create second table on top of the same location but with STRING column:
Insert data:
Check data:
Insert into second table:
Check data:
Select from first table:
String was selected as NULL because this table is defined as having INT column.
And now insert STRING into first table (INT column):
Surprise, it is not failing!
What was inserted?
NULL was inserted, because during previous insert string was converted to int and this resulted in NULL
Now let's try to drop one table and select from another one:
Returned 0 rows because first table was MANAGED and drop table also removed common location.