I cannot understand the difference between OWL-LIST and RDF-LIST. Secondly why OWL-DL do not support RDF-LIST due to OWL serialisation why? and how i can create OWL-LIST in OWL-DL
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As mentioned in the comments, I don't think that there is any standard thing called OWL-LIST. There is a CO-ODE List Ontology that might be of interest to you if you need to represent lists in OWL:
Also have a look at these that talk about tht ontology, Sequences in OWL. They touch upon the reason why the RDF list vocabulary (
, andrdf:rest
) can't be used in OWL: since RDF lists are used in the serialization of OWL, situations would arise where it would be unclear whether the triples were appearing as part of the data, or as part of the OWL encoding.This answer by Michael Schneider on answers.semanticweb.com also explains the issue: