Losing my mind here on getting the image of a playlist of a given set of tracks.
I just can't get it to work.
Here's my code.
I included two playlists, one that is made of a given set of tracks and one that actually exists.
What am I'm doing wrong with the first one? Am I even creating the temporary playlist correctly?
], function(models, Image, List) {
'use strict';
var image, trackUris, tracks = [], customPlaylist, customPlaylistList;
// list of track uris
trackUris = [
// get track objects from uris
for (var i = 0; i < trackUris.length; i++) {
// create temporary playlist
var title = 'tmp_' + Date.now();
var tmp = models.Playlist.createTemporary(title).done(function(playlist){
// get tracks collection and add tracks to it
for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) {
customPlaylist = playlist;
}).fail(function() {
// create image of playlist
image = Image.forPlaylist(customPlaylist, {width: 200, height: 200, player: true});
// create a list view for the playlist
customPlaylistList = List.forPlaylist(customPlaylist);
// get all the above for an existing playlist
var playlist = models.Playlist.fromURI('spotify:user:116690321:playlist:6l3dvYJaGrX5mqkNntbyLx');
image = Image.forPlaylist(playlist, {width: 200, height: 200, player: true});
var playlistList = List.forPlaylist(playlist);
You're not doing anything wrong here. Currently, a placeholder image is shown instead of a mosaic for temporary playlists.
Debugging the code (it helps if it isn't minified) will show you that a placeholder image (gray background with a note) is set as the node's image but stays hidden until a time limit has passed (less than half a second). During this time, the image property from the playlist is being loaded. If the image is loaded successfully, the placeholder is replaced or not shown at all if the time limit hasn't passed. The code below attempts to load the image property from a temporary playlist, which fails, thus showing the placeholder instead.
I don't know if this is something that is considered in need of fixing, but it's the way it is.