I'm trying to share some text using an intent:
Intent i = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND);
i.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "TEXT");
and warping with chooser:
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(sms, getResources().getString(R.string.share_using)));
it works! but only for email app.
what I need is a general intent for all messaging app: emails, sms, IM (Whatsapp, Viber, Gmail, SMS...)
tried using android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW
and tried using i.setType("vnd.android-dir/mms-sms");
nothing helped...
shared using sms only!)
Use the code as:
New way of doing this would be using ShareCompat.IntentBuilder like so:
If you have any more questions about using ShareCompat, I highly recommend this great article from Ian Lake, an Android Developer Advocate at Google, for a more complete breakdown of the API. As you'll notice, I borrowed some of this example from that article.
If that article doesn't answer all of your questions, there is always the Javadoc itself for ShareCompat.IntentBuilder on the Android Developers website. I added more to this example of the API's usage on the basis of clemantiano's comment.
Below is the code that works with both the email or messaging app. If you share through email then the subject and body both are added.
This code is for sharing through sms
Images or binary data:
or HTML: