I am wondering whether there is a way to resize a chart using Apache POI (XSSF). Currently I am using an Excel template, which has a chart that changes when more data is inserted using namedRanges.
Everything works fine, the only troubles I'm facing are:
- The chart always stays the same size, so if there are more entries, it gets cluttered making the chart kind of useless.
- I am using dates, but I am not able to represent the date as day/month(17/10) on the chart. Basically instead of 04/01/2001, it writes 36982.
The purpose of the workbook is to list several jobs and check whether they took longer on a given date, the graph is for helping to identify the ocurrences of longer elapsed times. The jobs runtime might range from seconds to hours.
This is the code I am using:
package le_package.poi_tests.xssflibrary;
import java.io.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Name;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
public class POIReadFile {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String jobName = "I am a job";
String jobParent = "I am your father, Job.";
int rowNum = 40;
int deface = 4;
//Open Excel as OOXML
XSSFWorkbook currentWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook( OPCPackage.open("include/excelTemplate.xlsx"));
//Get sheet in position 0
Sheet currentSheet = currentWorkbook.getSheetAt(0);
//Get sheet name for processing
String sheetName = currentSheet.getSheetName();
//Set values for headers
for (int i=0; i<rowNum; i++)
//Create row in a given position
Row newRow = currentSheet.createRow(i+deface);
//Create cell within row
Cell newCell0 = newRow.createCell(0);
Cell newCell1 = newRow.createCell(1);
Cell newCell2 = newRow.createCell(2);
String cellDate = "";
/* Set CellType
* 0 - Numeric | 1 - String | 2 - Formula | 3 - Blank | 4 - Boolean | 5 - Error */
cellDate = "3/"+(i+1)+"/2001 00:00:00";
//Convert text into date
Date currentCellDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").parse(cellDate);
//Set CellValue
cellDate = "4/"+(i+1)+"/2001 00:00:00";
currentCellDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").parse(cellDate);
//setCellFormula sets the formula to be evaluated by excel, it doesn't need to start with '='
newCell2.setCellFormula("A" + (i+deface+1) + "-B" + (i+deface+1));
//Search for named range
Name rangeCell = currentWorkbook.getName("startRange");
//Set new range for named range
String reference = sheetName + "!$A$" + ( deface+1 ) + ":$A$" + ( rowNum+deface );
//Assigns range value to named range
rangeCell = currentWorkbook.getName("endRange");
reference = sheetName + "!$B$"+(deface+1) + ":$B$" + (rowNum+deface);
rangeCell = currentWorkbook.getName("elapsedTime");
reference = sheetName + "!$C$"+(deface+1) + ":$C$" + (rowNum+deface);
//Create a fileStream to write into a file
FileOutputStream newExcelFile = new FileOutputStream(jobName+".xlsx");
//Write Stream
//Close New Excel File
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("AAAAARGH, I was wounded by the following exception!:");
System.out.println("Sorry, your program is dead :(");
Is it possible to do what I need?
*Note: I am not asking to create a chart from the scratch, I only need to resize the one the template has, and change some cells to date instead of the number that is written.
After researching how xlsx works, I was able to find how to get it done.
If you have any comments, let me know.
Give your date cells, date format. Apache poi date format
POI cannot modify graphics AFAIK.