I have a nicely designed mail sending page that I have to implement. I would like to use MFMailComposeViewController to achieve this task but this comes with its own regular view. What are my options? Is there a way to use my own view with MFMailComposeViewController? Or maybe another way to send emails from the app that allow me to customize the view?
Anomie is correct.
We created an app which had used a backend email server to send anonymous emails and we had a custom front end to collect the user message. However if you're just thinking that the composition interface needs a makeover it's really not a good approach and almost certainly will get you slammed during the submission process.
Best Reason for not messing with the interface -
. User will question authenticity of any email interface which does not resemble Apple's email interface.
You may not change MFMailComposeViewController in any way. Quoth the documentation:
As far as I know, there is no other built-in way to send email from the device.
Your only other option would be to have the device contact a server of your own which would forward the email message, but then of course the message wouldn't be coming from the email address associated with the device and such.