This is for jailbroken iPhone.
Is there a way I can access the call_history.db on iPhone which is a database where apple logs the phone call information.
It is stored at /private/var/mobile/Library/CallHistory directory. When I try to enumerate directory paths under /private/var/mobile/Library it does not list CallHistory folder but everything else. I guess Apple does allow access somehow despite of having all the permissions.
Is there a way I can get access to call_history.db and copy it under my app?
I have already gone through another stackoverflow question here Accessing the iPhone's Call log with the iPhone SDK but no luck so far :(
on iOS 11 it’s located on /var/mobile/Library/CallHistoryDB
it is located in /private/var/wireless/Library/CallHistory
if you ssh into the phone through terminal, and you enter
find | grep "name of file you are looking for(case sensitive)"
It'll normally pull it up for you.