Hi guys i am building a web scraping project using scrapy framework and python. In spider folder of my project i have two spiders named spider1 and spider2
class spider(BaseSpider):
name= "spider1"
class spider(BaseSpider):
SPIDER_MODULES = ['project_name.spiders']
NEWSPIDER_MODULE = ['project_name.spiders']
ITEM_PIPELINES = ['project_name.pipelines.spider']
Now when i write the command scrapy crawl spider1
in my root project folder it calls spider2.py instead of spider1.py. when i will delete spider2.py from my project then it calls spider1.py
Earlier 1 day back its working fine for 1 month but suddenly what happens i can't figure it out please help me guys
Building on Nomad's answer. You can avoid the creation of all but one pyc file during development by adding:
to the project's "__init__.py" file.
This will prevent .pyc files from being created. Especially useful if you are working on a project and you rename the file name of a spider. Prevents the cached pyc of the old spiders remaining, and a few other gotchas.
I tackled the same problem, however removing all *.pyc files from everywhere in my project did the job.
Especially I think settings.pyc is important to remove.
Hope that helps.