I have the following code to calculate points between four control points to generate a catmull-rom curve:
CGPoint interpolatedPosition(CGPoint p0, CGPoint p1, CGPoint p2, CGPoint p3, float t)
float t3 = t * t * t;
float t2 = t * t;
float f1 = -0.5 * t3 + t2 - 0.5 * t;
float f2 = 1.5 * t3 - 2.5 * t2 + 1.0;
float f3 = -1.5 * t3 + 2.0 * t2 + 0.5 * t;
float f4 = 0.5 * t3 - 0.5 * t2;
float x = p0.x * f1 + p1.x * f2 + p2.x * f3 + p3.x * f4;
float y = p0.y * f1 + p1.y * f2 + p2.y * f3 + p3.y * f4;
return CGPointMake(x, y);
This works fine, but I want to create something I think is called centripetal parameterization. This means that the curve will have no cusps and no self-intersections. If I move one control point really close to another one, the curve should become "smaller". I have Googled my eyes off trying to find a way to do this. Anyone know how to do this?
I needed to implement this for work as well. The fundamental concept you need to start with is that the main difference between the regular Catmull-Rom implementation and the modified versions is how they treat time.
In the unparameterized version from your original Catmull-Rom implementation, t starts at 0 and ends with 1 and calculates the curve from P1 to P2. In the parameterized time implementation, t starts with 0 at P0, and keeps increasing across all four points. So in the uniform case, it would be 1 at P1 and 2 at P2, and you would pass in values ranging from 1 to 2 for your interpolation.
The chordal case shows |Pi+1 - P| as the time span change. This just means that you can use the straight line distance between the points of each segment to calculate the actual length to use. The centripetal case just uses a slightly different method for calculating the optimal length of time to use for each segment.
So now we just need to know how to come up with equations that will let us plug in our new time values. The typical Catmull-Rom equation only has one t in it, the time you are trying to calculate a value for. I found the best article for describing how those parameters are calculated here: http://www.cemyuksel.com/research/catmullrom_param/catmullrom.pdf. They were focusing on a mathematical evaluation of the curves, but in it lies the crucial formula from Barry and Goldman.(1)
In the diagram above, the arrows mean "multiplied by" the ratio given in the arrow.
This then gives us what we need to actually perform a calculation to get the desired result. X and Y are calculated independently, although I used the "Distance" factor for modifying time based on the 2D distance, and not the 1D distance.
Test results:
(1) P. J. Barry and R. N. Goldman. A recursive evaluation algorithm for a class of catmull-rom splines. SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 22(4):199{204, 1988.
The source code for my final implementation in Java looks as follows:
y = 5
line and want to calculate the intersection point with the spline? Is this possible with interpolation? Thanks – aledalgrande Feb 5 '14 at 17:510.25
for the centripetal equation? – aledalgrande Feb 6 '14 at 18:19There is a much easier and more efficient way to implement this which only requires you to compute your tangents using a different formula, without the need to implement the recursive evaluation algorithm of Barry and Goldman.
If you take the Barry-Goldman parametrization (referenced in Ted's answer) C(t) for the knots (t0,t1,t2,t3) and the control points (P0,P1,P2,P3), its closed form is pretty complicated, but in the end it's still a cubic polynomial in t when you constrain it to the interval (t1,t2). So all we need to describe it fully are the values and tangents at the two end points t1 and t2. If we work out these values (I did this in Mathematica), we find
We can simply plug this into the standard formula for computing a cubic spline with given values and tangents at the end points and we have our nonuniform Catmull-Rom spline. One caveat is that the above tangents are computed for the interval (t1,t2), so if you want to evaluate the curve in the standard interval (0,1), simply rescale the tangents by multiplying them with the factor (t2-t1).
I put a working C++ example on Ideone: http://ideone.com/NoEbVM
I'll also paste the code below.
Here is an iOS version of Ted's code. I excluded the 'z' parts.
Also, here is a method for turning an array of points into a Bezier path for drawing, using the above
I coded something in Python (adapted form Catmull-Rom Wikipedia page) that compares uniform, centripedal, and chordial CR Splines (though you can set alpha to whatever you'd like) using random data (you can use your own data and the fucntions work fine). Note that for the endpoints I just stuck in a quick 'hack' that maintains the slope from the first and last 2 points, although the distance between this point and the first/lost known point is arbitrary (I set it to 1% of the domain... for no reason at all. So keep that in mind before applying to something important):
original code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centripetal_Catmull%E2%80%93Rom_spline
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