I am trying to execute a OS command through C#. I have the following code taken from this webpage:
//Execute command on file
ProcessStartInfo procStart =
new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\Users\Me\Desktop\Test\System_Instructions.txt",
"mkdir testDir");
//Redirects output
procStart.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
procStart.UseShellExecute = false;
//No black window
procStart.CreateNoWindow = true;
//Creates a process
System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
//Set start info
proc.StartInfo = procStart;
but when I attempt to run the code I get the following error:
{"The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform."}
What am I doing wrong? I have tried this example as well but got the same issue.
What are you trying to accomplish? Create a directory? Use the "System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory" method. Open a .txt file with associated program? Use ProcessStartInfo(@".\filename.txt") with UseShellExecute set to true. This will cause the associated program for that file type to be executed, which might not be notepad.txt.