is there a solution that allows to select multiple files from the file open dialog box and upload them from ASP.NET web page? I have gone through previous posts related to this, but wondering if it is possible to select multiple files for upload without using the technologies like flash or silverlight? thanks in advance.
UPDATE: to be clear, I need to select multiple files in a folder in the dialog box at once, by pressing shift or control key. the flash upload controls allow this, but I am looking for one without flash. it looks like this is a limitation and not possible without using flash or activex controls.
Maybe jQuery can help you out, for example
If you Google there are allot of jQuery uploaders, not sure if they use flash, but you can try it out
edit: this one allowed multiple file uploads
It's possible with HTML5 which gives the standard input tag for files an additional attribute: multiple.
When implemented, it looks like this:
...and give you exactly what you're looking for.
If you toss in some vanilla Javascript, you can even stream the upload of the file(s).
The 2 downsides are:
I hope this helps or at least puts you on the right path.