I have created a new gradle task in build.gradle:
task callCL(type: Exec) {
println "hello"
commandLine './rerun.sh'
Which suppose to run rerun.sh:
cucumber -f rerun --out rerun.txt
if [ -f "$file" ] then
cucumber @rerun.txt
rm $file
I'm using IntelliJ as an IDE. How can I run this task?
I have tried to run in the zshell console and got this error:
gradle callCL zsh: command not found: gradle
But in the IDE I use gradle all the time so it must be installed.
How can I fix this? And is my writing ok?
Try this:
1. Make sure GRADLE_HOME, GRADLE_OPTS are set.
2. Make sure $PATH has GRADLE_HOME/bin in it.
3. which gradle should return you a valid output.
4. then, see below
, if this works on command prompt, then your IDE setting just need to know where's is GRADLE_HOME aka its installed / executable (either gradle or gradle.bat)
NOTE: I have used my own dummy rerun.sh file, you can you use build.gradle (as shown below).
$ cat rerun.sh
$ cat build.gradle
$ /cygdrive/c/gradle-2.0/bin/gradle callCL
This looks like problem with gradle not being found on path (in your shell).
You may use GVM to easily install gradle so that its available on your