I have the following table.
10/10 | 300
12/10 | 300
01/11 | 200
03/11 | 100
How do I get the monthly total? A result like -
1010 | 300
1110 | 300
1210 | 600
0111 | 800
0211 | 800
0311 | 900
A sql statement like
would result in the 800 for 0111 but...
NOTE There is not a date restriction. which is my dilemma. How do I populate this column without doing a loop for all dates and have the missing months displayed as well?
You can also generate a range on the fly, pass its value as the interval to DATE_ADD, and basically project a sequence of month values.
As @Dems said, you need to have a correlated subquery calculate the running total, which will be very inefficient, because it will run a nested loop internally.
To see how to generate the sequence, check my post here: How to generate a range of numbers in Mysql
The end query should look something like this: (Incidentally, you should have a date column, not this varchar mess).
Or something like that.
the main problem is the
and have the missing months displayed as well?
I don't see how to do it with out an aux table containing the combination of month\year to be displayed:To cater for missing months, create a template table to join against.
Think of it as caching. Rather than looping through and filling gaps, just have a calendar cached in your database.
You can even combine multiple calendars (start of month, start of week, bank holidays, working day, etc) all into one table, with a bunch of search flags and indexes.
You end up with something like...
I just noticed that the OP wants a running total.
This -is- possible in SQL but it is extremely inefficient. The reason being that the result from one month isn't used to calculate the following month. Instead the whole running-total has to be calculated again.
For this reason It is normally strongly recommended that you calculate the monthly total as above, then use your application to itterate through and make the running total values.
If you really must do it in SQL, it would be something like...