I'm creating a website using backbone and node.js and don't think that by default there is any protection against CSRF. Is there a standard way to project against CSRF when using backbone with node.js? Thanks
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I don't know of anything specific for node.js + backbone, but you can use http://www.senchalabs.org/connect/middleware-csrf.html (assuming you're using express or something connect-compatible). You'll need to output the token somewhere in your html, like as a meta tag. Then you can modify the backbone sync method to pull that token and pass it to express via header, query, or form.
If the
header is set to something permissive (e.g.,Allow-Origin:*
will not prevent request forgeries. Any javascript running on another host will be able to craft requests that still enable request forgeries.You could simply ensure requests have the
header with the valueXMLHTTPRequest
. AJAX requests have cross-domain restrictions so if that header is present it was not e.g. a hidden form on a malicious website.