I am trying to add some dependencies jar files. But these files when put in lib/endorsed
or in WEB_INF/lib.jar
results in startup error for jboss instances. I suppose this is happening because flat classloader structure of JBoss. If somebody has implemented the classloader settings in jboss-web.xml
Can somebody give me a real life example ?
Also where should I place these jar files - lib/endorsed
of jboss, or lib
folder in deploy folder or in WEB_INF/lib
Duffymo's directive on not putting jars in endorsed is ignored at your peril.
In some additional detail:
Placing libraries in your WEB-INF/lib is a best practice for portability and consistency as it adheres to a standard provision for creating self-sufficient and distributable web archives, but you need to pay close attention to the class-loading declaration you're putting in your jboss-web.xml.
Assume a simple scenario without the class-loading declaration and a fictional example.jar:
The class-loading declaration is necessary in cases (such as) where you have two different versions of example.jar: - jboss//lib: example1.0.jar - WEB-INF/lib: example2.0.jar
In this case, JBoss will create a unique and isolated classloader for your WAR which will avoid jboss//lib/example1.0.jar in favour of WEB-INF/lib/example2.0.jar in the context of your WAR.
In summary, if you're only running one WAR in the jboss server instance and/or you have no conflicting JAR issues, ditch the class-loading declaration and put your JARs in jboss//lib. It makes the WAR file more lightweight, overall deployment may be simpler and you will not consume additional memory with extra class versions during hot-deploys.
They belong in the WEB-INF/lib directory of your WAR file. Don't put things in the endorsed folder.