In an absolute emergency, I am trying to go through my website and add parameterized queries. I'm a newbie and have only just learnt about them.
My problem is, I only know a very little about connection types and all of the examples I'm seeing are using another methods of connection, which is confusing me. I don't particularly want to change the way I connect to my DB, as it's on lots of pages, I just want to update my queries to be safer.
This is how I have been connecting to my DB:
Set connContent = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connContent.ConnectionString = "...blah...blah...blah..."
and this is the SQL bit with parameters:
username = Trim(Request("username"))
connContent.Prepared = True
Const ad_nVarChar = 202
Const ad_ParamInput = 1
SQL = " SELECT * FROM users WHERE (username=?) ; "
Set newParameter = connContent.CreateParameter("@username", ad_nVarChar, adParamInput, 20, username)
connContent.Parameters.Append newParameter
Set rs = connContent.Execute(SQL)
If NOT rs.EOF Then
' Do something...
End If
It's obviously not working but I need to know if I can actually achieve this using the connection I have or am I missing something altogether that's stopping it from working?
Before I go forth and spend the next 2 days debugging something I'm unfamiliar with, I would like to know I'm at least on the right track...
The code in your second snippet is correct, but should be applied to a new
object, not to theConnection
object:By the way, there was a typo with the spelling of
instead ofad_ParamInput
(corrected in my example).