I would like to get file path as input in my Python console application.
Currently I can only ask for full path as an input in the console.
Is there a way to trigger a simple user interface where users can select file instead of typing the full path?
Python 3.x version of Etaoin's answer for completeness:
Use the tkFileDialog module which is part of the standard installation.
Another option to consider is Zenity: http://freecode.com/projects/zenity.
I had a situation where I was developing a Python server application (no GUI component) and hence didn't want to introduce a dependency on any python GUI toolkits, but I wanted some of my debug scripts to be parameterized by input files and wanted to visually prompt the user for a file if they didn't specify one on the command line. Zenity was a perfect fit. To achieve this, invoke "zenity --file-selection" using the subprocess module and capture the stdout. Of course this solution isn't Python-specific.
Zenity supports multiple platforms and happened to already be installed on our dev servers so it facilitated our debugging/development without introducing an unwanted dependency.
With EasyGui (documentation generated by pydoc and epydoc for version 0.96):
To install:
How about using tkinter?