I tried using LuaXml library. But its functionality is limited as this returns only the first subtable of a particular attribute and does not go further than that. Then I tried string pattern matching which worked but I reached a dead end and it couldnt completely achieve the task. LuaExpat library is present in my lib folder of lua, and a file called lom.lua is also there. But often it doesnt work or gives me the error that "module not found"
My XML file looks like this :
<NewInstance ref="5A">
<Attribute name="TARGET_TYPE" value="weblogic_cluster" />
<Attribute name="DISCOVERED_NAME" value="/Farm_soa4_sys20_soa4_domain/soa4_domain/WSM4_Cluster" />
<Attribute name="BROKEN_REASON" value="0" />
<Attribute name="TARGET_NAME" value="/Farm_soa4_sys20_soa4_domain/soa4_domain/WSM4_Cluster" />
<Attribute name="EMD_URL" value="https://uxsys460.schneider.com:3872/emd/main/" />
<NewInstance ref="6C">
<Attribute name="TARGET_TYPE" value="oracle_weblogic_nodemanager" />
<Attribute name="SERVICE_TYPE" value=" " />
<Attribute name="ORG_ID" value="0" />
<Attribute name="TARGET_NAME" value="Oracle WebLogic NodeManager-uxlab090" />
<NewInstance ref="98">
<Attribute name="TARGET_TYPE" value="composite" />
<Attribute name="SERVICE_TYPE" value=" " />
<Attribute name="TARGET_NAME" value="SYS-IMG-Grp" />
<Attribute name="EMD_URL" value="" />
<Instance ref="98" />
<Relations type="contains">
<Instance ref="5A" />
<Instance ref="5A" />
<Relations type="contains">
<Instance ref="6C" />
<Instance ref="5A" />
<Relations type="contains">
<Instance ref="98" />
My agenda is to display a NewInstance ID and its corresponding target type and target name and also its relation type with and the ID of instance ref its related to, along with its target type and target name for eg:
NewInstance ID - 5A
Target Type - weblogic_cluster
Target Name - /Farm_soa4_sys20_soa4_domain/soa4_domain/WSM4_Cluster
Relation Type - contains
Instance ref - 6C
Target Type - oracle_weblogic_nodemanager
Target Name - Oracle WebLogic NodeManager-uxlab090
Instance ref - 98
Target Type - composite
Target Name - SYS-IMG-Grp
Now LuaXml cannot be used to achieve this. String pattern matching's code I'll list below and it helps me accomplish the task till relation type but not accurately
The code is :
local file = io.open("oem_topology_output.xml", "rb") -- Open file for reading (binary data)
for instance in file:read("*a"):gmatch("<NewInstance ref=\"(.-)\">") do
a[i] = instance
i = i+1
local files = io.open("oem_topology_output.xml", "rb") -- Open file for reading (binary data)
for instances in files:read("*a"):gmatch("<NewInstance ref=\".-\">(.-)</NewInstance>") do
TARGET_TYPE = instances:match('TARGET_TYPE.-value="(.-)"')
TARGET_NAME = instances:match('TARGET_NAME.-value="(.-)"')
p =p+1
local file = io.open("oem_topology_output.xml", "rb") -- Open file for reading (binary data)
for type in file:read("*a"):gmatch("<Relations type=\"(.-)\">") do
d[q] = type
q = q+1
for j=0,i-1 do
print("INSTANCE ID : ", a[j])
print("TARGET TYPE : ", b[j])
print("TARGET NAME : ", c[j])
print("RELATION TYPE : ",d[j])
Please suggest what approach I should follow to be able to parse the XMl file in the required way. Which in-built library will provide the apt functions. In case you suggest, LuaExpat let me know the possible reasons why it does not work for me.
You don't need any special libraries to parse xml in lua, there is plenty of built in functionality to write your own parser.
For instance to retrieve the attributes of a node you can write something like this.
Which produces an output like
No need to open or close a file, since there is no intent of writing to it.