I'm looking for an algorithm that will find an irregular shape, maybe not too irregular, like a squashed circle, on a surface, and trace a polygon of a maximum of n sides around the shape. The 'n' maximimum might be based on the area of the shape.
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I would do it like this:
compute tangent angles
and its changedang
for all curve segmentsyou can use atanxy or
for thatfind inflex points (Black)
at these points the sign of
is changing sobut you need to handle the
elements properly (need to scan before and after them). These points will be the fundamental skeleton for your output polygonadd the bumps max points (green)
at these points the tangent angle is between nearest inflex points so to find max point between two inflex points
find the closest angle todo not forget that
+/- 2.0*PI
if this is not truenow you should have all significant points of your closed polycurve ...
it should look like this:
CW/CCW or Red/Blue just represents the sign of
The output point type should be preserved (inflex/maxpoint) because it can be later used for comparison and detection of shapes ...