I have a tabbed Actionbar/viewpager layout with three tabs say A, B, and C. In tab C tab(fragment),I am adding another fragment say fragment D. with
DFragment f= new DFragment();
ft.add(android.R.id.content, f, "");
I modify actionbar in DFragment's onResume to add up button:
ActionBar ab = getActivity().getActionBar();
Now in DFragment, when I press hardware(phone) Back button, I return to the original Tabbed(ABC) layout with CFragment selected. How can I achieve this functionality with actionbar up button?
This is a very good and reliable solution: http://vinsol.com/blog/2014/10/01/handling-back-button-press-inside-fragments/
The guy has made an abstract fragment that handles the backPress behaviour and is switching between the active fragments using the strategy pattern.
For some of you there maybe a little drawback in the abstract class...
Shortly, the solution from the link goes like this:
And usage in the activity:
This worked for me. Override onSupportNavigateUp and onBackPressed, for example (code in Kotlin);
Now in the fragment, if you display the up arrow
Clicking on it takes you back the previous activity.