I have a tabbed Actionbar/viewpager layout with three tabs say A, B, and C. In tab C tab(fragment),I am adding another fragment say fragment D. with
DFragment f= new DFragment();
ft.add(android.R.id.content, f, "");
I modify actionbar in DFragment's onResume to add up button:
ActionBar ab = getActivity().getActionBar();
Now in DFragment, when I press hardware(phone) Back button, I return to the original Tabbed(ABC) layout with CFragment selected. How can I achieve this functionality with actionbar up button?
you can go back with up button like back button ;
and add this code to your Fragment Activity.I used a combination of Roger Garzon Nieto's and sohailaziz's answers. My app has a single MainActivity, and fragments A, B, C that are loaded into it. My "home" fragment (A) implements OnBackStackChangedListener, and checks the size of the backStack; if it's less than one, then it hides the UP button. Fragments B and C always load the back button (in my design, B is launched from A, and C is launched from B). The MainActivity itself just pops the backstack on UP button tap, and has methods to show/hide the button, which the fragments call:
fragmentA (implements FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener):
fragmentB, fragmentC:
I know this question is old, but may be someone (like me) also needs it.
If your Activity extends AppCompatActivity, you can use a simpler (two-step) solution:
1 - Whenever you add a non-home fragment just show the up button, right after commiting the fragment transaction. Like this:
2 - Then when UP button is pressed, you hide it.
That's it.
I got it. just override onOptionsItemSelected in hosting activity and popup the backstack, e.g.
as explained in an answer below.If you have one parent activity and want this up button to work as a back button, you can use this code:
add this to the onCreate in your main activity class
and then add onOptionsItemSelected like so:
I generally use this all the time and seems pretty legit