At present I am using pyinstaller for bundling my python application. I am equally migrating to pyGObject (due to pygtk being depreciated).
Now pyinstaller does not support pyGObject and I have as of yet not figured out the required hooks... One of the other downsides of pyinstaller is how it bundles into a single executable - it causes the company installed virus scanner to check quite intensively every time the exe is run ==> quite slow startup.
Looking into using cx_freeze due to the pyGObject & py3 support I note it does not have a single-executable option. That in itself isn't an issue if the working directory can be cleaned up, be it via the pyd/dll being bundled into a second zip or into a subdirectory.
Searching around (stackoverflow and other sites), it is illuded to that it can be done, but I am not getting the expected results. Any idea#s? is based around this one:
ok solved:
2) header: