$('<img/>').attr('src', "").load(function() {
blah blah blah...
There I have tested using $("<img/>").load
in IE 7, and what I got are these:
When run in counsel, I get this:
"Unable to get value of the property 'attr': object is null or undefined"
When used in my webpage, I get this:
"SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'slice': object is null or undefined"
jquery.js, line 2 character 32039
What happened? (Hate IE...)
In IE the load event doesn't always get triggered when the image is cached. Try this:
Also, don't forget to wait for the
event, otherwise$("body")
may not exist yet if the image loads fast enough.jsFiddle
I have a plugin that may help simplify image preloading:
Ensure that the load function is being executed. I recently dealt with this issue. In IE the load function wasn't firing on cached images. For my purposes I was able to get around this by never allowing the image to cache. ( An ugly solution )
change to:
Where "nocache" can be changed to anything that makes sense to you.
From the jQuery documentaion:
add load event first then set img'src
because ie run so fast than when you set the src, "load" event was finished
the new load handler will be executed next change
So I did some quick testing in jfidde, and pulled out the relevant code and ran it standalone in ie7-8-9. They all ran fine. I can say with confidence that it is not this piece of code that is breaking your page.
Some ideas though:
Wrap any script in the document head that manipulates the DOM in a document.ready call.
Search your source code for that slice call. If you are trying to manipulate a jQuery collection with .slice() it will break. jQuery collections are Objects, not Arrays. (may or may not be your problem)
Make sure that any code trying to touch that image is called after the .load() method returns. A common mistake is to do something like:
If this is the only image on the page, the above script will likely fail because the appendTo() is called asyncronously, and almost certianly after the following lines of code have executed and failed. Make sure that any logic manipulating that image is run from the .load() callback. (As you have nicely done in your above example code.)
If you paste the rest of your page source I can take a look! Good luck!