I've been using Postman Chrome extension to test out my API and would like to send an array of IDs via post. Is there a way to send something list this as a parameter in Postman?
user_ids: ["1234", "5678"]
I've been using Postman Chrome extension to test out my API and would like to send an array of IDs via post. Is there a way to send something list this as a parameter in Postman?
user_ids: ["1234", "5678"]
Set Body as raw and form the array as follows:
this worked for me. to pass an array of Item object {ItemID,ColorID,SizeID,Quntity}
It is important to know, that the value field is only allowed to contain a value (no specifiers).
If you want to send e.g. an array of "messages" with Postman, each having a list of key/value pairs, enter e.g. messages[][reason] as the key and the value of reason under value:
The server will receive:
Here is my solution:
use form-data and edit as below:
and you will get an array like this: