Is there a virtual listview for
Most tables (and grids, listview, data tables, data grids, grid views, list grids) i find for expect the user to page through data.
i want a listview that contains, for example, 10,000 items; and i don't want 10 pages.
The problem of a long list was solved in 1994 using a listview in "virtual" mode. The control need only be given the number of items to show. The control information about those items as required (i.e. as the user scrolls them into view, or tries to sort on a column).
Has anyone created a virtual listview (presumably using Asynchronous Javascript and XML, or Synchronous Javascript and XML)?
If the answer's "no": don't be afraid to answer the question. There's nothing wrong with an answer of:
I just make one virtual ListView sample.
I start with a repeater that I render divs, with an attribute that contain the Data Base id that need to be loaded.
Next the javascript that check if this div is visible, and get the data using ajax.
and here is my code behind as test that one
I tested and its working just find.
and here is the source code:
Improvements that can be done:
Update I make some speed optimizing, and add ajax call test. For this optimizations work correct the height of the div that contains the data must be the same across the page. Left to load a group of data, get them as json and place them on the correct place.
Try to look at infinite scroll jQuery plugin. I think that is it like what are you looking for.