Is there a way in SQL Server to list all the views within a database that join from a particular object?
ie: find all the views that join from the table myTable
Is there a way in SQL Server to list all the views within a database that join from a particular object?
ie: find all the views that join from the table myTable
You have to search code and you have two options only. See comments below why other methods are not reliable.
syscomments and INFORMATION_SCHEMA have nvarchar(4000) columns. So if "myViewName" is used at position 3998, it won't be found. syscomments does have multiple lines but ROUTINES truncates.
In SQL Server 2000, the sys.depends was unreliable, which affected "View dependencies" in the menus. I don't know if it's better in SQL 2005+. Example: view uses table, table is dropped and recreated, has different objectid, dependency = broken.
Here's some of the examples from the link provided by unknown (in case that site disappears before stackoverflow does)
A couple of the SQL only methods mentioned for SQL Server:
In SQL Server 2005, you can use a combination of sys.sql_dependencies and brute force parsing of the object text (as in gbn's answer). For more info on SQL Server 2005 dependencies, see
In SQL Server 2008, there are new dependency DMVs and catalog views that are a bit more trustworthy than previous methods (sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities / sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities / sys.sql_expression_dependencies), but it is still easy to break them.
See this article for some ideas to make this work better. Also see
You can use
:This will list all objects that depend on your table, you can restrict this to views by joining against