2019-02-19 08:54发布
How can i create on/off music button in this example:
Playing sound during an Inno Setup install
I want use a image.png.
The following script makes a button, by which you can play or pause the stream according to its current state:
[Setup] AppName=Bass Audio Project AppVersion=1.0 DefaultDirName={pf}\Bass Audio Project [Files] Source: "Bass.dll"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "AudioFile.mp3"; Flags: dontcopy [CustomMessages] SoundCtrlButtonCaptionSoundOn=Music on SoundCtrlButtonCaptionSoundOff=Music off [Code] const BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP = 4; BASS_ACTIVE_STOPPED = 0; BASS_ACTIVE_PLAYING = 1; BASS_ACTIVE_STALLED = 2; BASS_ACTIVE_PAUSED = 3; BASS_UNICODE = $80000000; BASS_CONFIG_GVOL_STREAM = 5; const #ifndef UNICODE EncodingFlag = 0; #else EncodingFlag = BASS_UNICODE; #endif type HSTREAM = DWORD; function BASS_Init(device: LongInt; freq, flags: DWORD; win: HWND; clsid: Cardinal): BOOL; external 'BASS_Init@files:bass.dll stdcall'; function BASS_StreamCreateFile(mem: BOOL; f: string; offset1: DWORD; offset2: DWORD; length1: DWORD; length2: DWORD; flags: DWORD): HSTREAM; external 'BASS_StreamCreateFile@files:bass.dll stdcall'; function BASS_Start: BOOL; external 'BASS_Start@files:bass.dll stdcall'; function BASS_Pause: BOOL; external 'BASS_Pause@files:bass.dll stdcall'; function BASS_ChannelPlay(handle: DWORD; restart: BOOL): BOOL; external 'BASS_ChannelPlay@files:bass.dll stdcall'; function BASS_SetConfig(option: DWORD; value: DWORD ): BOOL; external 'BASS_SetConfig@files:bass.dll stdcall'; function BASS_ChannelIsActive(handle: DWORD): DWORD; external 'BASS_ChannelIsActive@files:bass.dll stdcall'; function BASS_Free: BOOL; external 'BASS_Free@files:bass.dll stdcall'; var SoundStream: HSTREAM; SoundCtrlButton: TNewButton; procedure SoundCtrlButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin case BASS_ChannelIsActive(SoundStream) of BASS_ACTIVE_PLAYING: begin if BASS_Pause then SoundCtrlButton.Caption := ExpandConstant('{cm:SoundCtrlButtonCaptionSoundOn}'); end; BASS_ACTIVE_PAUSED: begin if BASS_Start then SoundCtrlButton.Caption := ExpandConstant('{cm:SoundCtrlButtonCaptionSoundOff}'); end; end; end; procedure InitializeWizard; begin ExtractTemporaryFile('AudioFile.mp3'); if BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0, 0, 0) then begin SoundStream := BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, ExpandConstant('{tmp}\AudioFile.mp3'), 0, 0, 0, 0, EncodingFlag or BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP); BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_GVOL_STREAM, 2500); BASS_ChannelPlay(SoundStream, False); SoundCtrlButton := TNewButton.Create(WizardForm); SoundCtrlButton.Parent := WizardForm; SoundCtrlButton.Left := 8; SoundCtrlButton.Top := WizardForm.ClientHeight - SoundCtrlButton.Height - 8; SoundCtrlButton.Width := 155; SoundCtrlButton.Caption := ExpandConstant('{cm:SoundCtrlButtonCaptionSoundOff}'); SoundCtrlButton.OnClick := @SoundCtrlButtonClick; end; end; procedure DeinitializeSetup; begin BASS_Free; end;
The following script makes a button, by which you can play or pause the stream according to its current state: