I want to modify one of JHipster entity page to use DatePicker. I Have include dependencies over Bower, add js library url to index page. I'm not sure how to include bootstrap css, should I use compass or something else? Or do you maybe know better library for UI.
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An alternative to this is to use AngularJS Bootstrap module which provides several other widgets apart from Datepicker.
Full Documentation here and here
I added it to my project using WebJars:
Then I use class="date" on my date fields and use the following HTML/JS to initialize the field.
To do it with Bower, I used the following steps:
In bower.json, add bootstrap-datepicker as a dependency. I added it just after bootstrap-sass.
Then run:
In src/main/webapp/index.html, add links to the CSS and JS files:
To prove it works, I added a "birthdate" field to register.html. Note the data-provide attribute triggers the popup calendar.